Good website to know driving directions, estimated time and distance from one location to another.
A useful website for planning motorhome travel in New Zealand. There are helpful tips on how you as a visitor can engage in responsible camping and also links to regional information on camping regulations and motorhome facilities.
A website page that contains information on when the Cathedral Caves are open and tide chart.
Information on The Catlins Te Akau Tai Toka Community Tourism Strategy 2016 - 2026
Civil Defence Southland - www.civildefencesouthland.govt.nz
Southland District Council road closures - www.southlanddc.govt.nz/roads-and-bridges/closed-roads-and-road-works/
Civil Defence Clutha - www.cluthadc.govt.nz/your-services/civil-defence-and-emergency
Fire and Emergency NZ - https://www.checkitsalright.nz/
A useful site providing advice on how you can minimise your own wildfire risk and a 3-step tool for assessing whether you can light your fire or do your outdoor work safely.
A good website to visit if you want to discover more about Southland.
A good website to tell you about regulations and requirements when living or visiting Southland.
A good website to tell you about regulations and requirements when living or visiting Clutha District.
Visit this website to learn more about Southland’s regional development agency, Great South, and see what they are doing to encourage the future success of the region.
A website that tells you all you need to know about wildlife, environment and the reserves in New Zealand.
Tells you what you need to know about working, living, visiting or investing in the Clutha District.
A website that offers information about the Southern Scenic Route.
Visit the website to find out what possible funding is available to assist with Community initiatives and projects.