Owaka Museum Cropped

Information Centres

places to stop and visit for information about The Catlins

Catlins Information Centre 
10 Campbell Street
Owaka 9535
Phone: +64 3 415 8371
Email: catlinsinfo@cluthadc.govt.nz
Open Hours: 8.30am – 5.00pm 7 days a week (closed Christmas day).

Clutha i-SITE Visitor Centre

1 John Street
Phone: +64 3 418 0388
Website: https://isite.nz/find-an-isite/listing/clutha-i-site-visitor-information-centre
Tokanui Food Centre
7 Niagara-Tokanui Highway
Phone: +64 3 246 8876
Email: tokanuifoodcentre@xtra.co.nz
Waikawa Museum and Information Centre
604 Niagara-Waikawa Highway
1 RD Tokanui 9884
Phone: +64 3 246 8464
Email: waikawamuseuminfo@gmail.com
For general information on Southland

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