McLean Falls Fergus Sutherland

Caves, Waterfalls
& Blowholes

Where to See

Read more about these Scenic Highlights! 


Cathedral Caves
The Cathedral Caves can only be accessed at low tide subject to sea conditions and can be closed at short notice. For tide information visit or enquire at The Catlins Information Centres.
The walk from the car park is 30 minutes (one way).


Matai Falls
Signposted along the Southern Scenic Route, approximately 18km south of Owaka.
Easy walking – 20 minute return.

Purakaunui Falls
The roads to these iconic falls are well signposted from the Southern Scenic Route. The walk to the falls is through the Purakaunui Falls Reserve directly opposite the toilets and car park.
Easy Walking - 20 minutes return.

McLean Falls
Approximately 20 minutes south of Papatowai.
40 minutes return walk.

Koropuku Falls
Approximately 25 minutes south of Papatowai. 
40 minutes return walk.

Barrs Falls
Signposted one kilometre south of Owaka.  
Easy walking - 20 minutes return.

Niagara Falls
Signposted a short distance from Niagara. Note: These falls were named by a surveyor with a sense of humour! 
Short easy walk to admire the view.


Jack's Blowhole
Jack’s Blowhole is in the Tunnel Rocks Scenic Reserve and is a large hole 55 metres deep, 200 metres from the sea.